Writing Tips
Spelling & Grammar


3-minute read

Spelt or Spelled?

English spellings are nearly always the same wherever English is the first language, but there...

3-minute read

What Is an Oxford Comma?

The Oxford comma, otherwise known as the serial comma, may be one of the most...

3-minute read

What Is a Colloquialism?

As a global language, English has many varieties. UK English, US English, and Australian English...

3-minute read

Spelling Tips: Fourty Versus Forty

Have you ever tried to spell out the number 40 and found yourself going back...

3-minute read

How to Write and Format a Chicago Style Paper [With Examples]

Are you working on a Chicago style project but struggling with the question, “just what...

3-minute read

Cancelation vs. Cancellation

Cancelation or cancellation depends on which dialect of English you’re using. If you’re writing in...

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4-minute read

First-Person Point of View: Definition and Examples

The first-person point of view is a grammatical person narrative technique that immerses the reader...

2-minute read

Bear With Me or Bare With Me? Idiom Tips

Bear with me is the correct spelling of this idiom. Bear, in this instance, means...

3-minute read

Cliché: Definition and How to Avoid It in Writing

The discontented writer paced the room impatiently. “Time is of the essence. My assignment was...

5-minute read

Six Ways to Translate a PDF

Portable Document Formats (PDFs) are one of the most widely used file formats worldwide, so...

2-minute read

Punctuation Tips: When to Use a Colon vs. a Semicolon

Colons and semicolons are two of the most misunderstood punctuation marks in written language. Although...

2-minute read

Should You Capitalize Months and Weekdays?

You should always capitalize months and weekdays in English grammar. This is because they are...

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