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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

Use the search field to find a post on a specific topic or browse our recent posts below. And if there’s anything you’d like to see covered on our blog, let us know.


3-minute read

Microsoft Word Tips: Grammar and Style

We’ve previously written about the spellchecker in Microsoft Word. While certainly no replacement for proofreading,...

3-minute read

6 Tips on Preparing a Grant Application

Most researchers rely on grant money. And to win a grant you need to write...

2-minute read

IEEE Referencing – How to Cite a Book

IEEE referencing, named for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is widely used for...

3-minute read

The Basics of Grammatical Person (First, Second and Third Person)

As proofreaders, we could describe ourselves as ‘grammatical people’. We don’t, though, because ‘grammatical person’...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Flammable vs. Inflammable

Usually our Word Choice blog posts cover terms that seem similar but have different uses....

3-minute read

7 Baffling Business Buzzwords

The business world can be confusing if you don’t know the lingo. So to help...

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2-minute read

Vancouver Referencing – Citing a Chapter from an Edited Book

We’ve already explained how to cite a book using Vancouver referencing. But what should you...

2-minute read

Microsoft Word Tips: Writing in Columns

Not a fan of big blocks of text on the page? Then good news, friend!...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Dissatisfied vs. Unsatisfied

Both ‘dissatisfied’ and ‘unsatisfied’ mean ‘not satisfied’. However, these words are not interchangeable and actually...

3-minute read

What Is LaTeX? A Guide for the Perplexed

If you’re looking for a description of the document preparation system LaTeX, you might want...

2-minute read

Vancouver Referencing – Citing a Page from a Website

If you’re studying in the sciences or medicine, you might be asked to use Vancouver...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Half vs. Halve

It is understandable that people get ‘half’ and ‘halve’ mixed up. These terms are related...

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