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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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3-minute read

How to Quote Sources with APA Referencing

APA style referencing – developed by the American Psychological Association – is used for citing...

3-minute read

Adding Page and Section Breaks in Microsoft Word

When wanting to start something on a new page in Microsoft Word, many people simply...

3-minute read

5 Ways to Balance Your Life and Your Studies

Each day comprises twenty-four hours. That’s 1,440 minutes – or 86,400 seconds – in which...

3-minute read

Chicago Referencing – Citing an Edited Book (Author–Date Style)

On this blog, we’ve already covered how to cite an edited book using Chicago-style footnotes....

3-minute read

Word Choice: Extent vs. Extend

Usually, our ‘Word Choice’ posts cover homophones (i.e. words that sound alike despite being spelled...

3-minute read

Formal vs. Informal English (aka Pedantry for Beginners)

The ‘rules’ of formal English serve a purpose. But is it always wrong to break...

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4-minute read

Grammar Tips: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Due to nominative determinism, Count von Count from Sesame Street will attempt to count anything...

5-minute read

Chicago Referencing – Citing an Edited Book (Footnote Citations)

Referencing is complicated at the best of times, especially if using a number of source...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Assume vs. Presume

Herein, we’re looking at two words that are frequently used interchangeably, yet which have importantly...

3-minute read

Ghosts, Bones and Witches: Spooky Phrases for Halloween

OooOooOoo! *rattles chains* OooOOoo! If you speak phantom, you’ll know that meant ‘welcome to our...

3-minute read

Pronoun Types You Need to Know! (Part 2)

In case you’ve forgotten, pronouns are words that we use in place of other nouns....

5-minute read

Writing Tips: 8 Types of Pronoun

Pronouns are to language what screws are to flat pack furniture: they might seem insignificant...

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