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Writing Tips

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3-minute read

Four Examples of Introductory Paragraph for Your Essay or Paper

Writing an academic paper comes with many challenges, not the least of which is fleshing...

4-minute read

How to Edit the Margins in Google Doc

Google Docs, the versatile online word processor, is a favorite among students, professionals, and anyone...

4-minute read

Systematic Review vs. Literature Review

If you’ve been reading research papers, chances are you’ve come across two commonly used approaches...

3-minute read

How to Write a Conclusion for an Argumentative Essay

You’ve spent hours researching and writing a compelling argumentative essay – now it’s finally time...

4-minute read

Protagonist vs. Antagonist: What’s the Difference?

In fiction, characters play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative and engaging the reader’s...

4-minute read

What is the Purpose of a Literature Review?

If you’re writing a research paper or dissertation, then you’ll most likely need to include...

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4-minute read

Line Editing vs. Copy Editing

In professional writing and publishing, “line editing” and “copy editing” are often used interchangeably, but...

4-minute read

What Does a Content Editor Do?

The amount of content available online is higher than ever – for instance, over 7.5...

6-minute read

What Font Is MLA Format?

MLA (Modern Language Association) style is a widely used formatting style in academic writing, particularly...

3-minute read

How to Rewrite AI-Generated Content

AI-powered writing tools are capable of generating a high volume of content quickly and efficiently...

4-minute read

What Is AI Editing?

AI editing typically refers to one of two processes: using AI-powered tools to assist with...

5-minute read

How to Bypass an AI Content Detector

Are you interested in using AI-generated content for your website but worried it will negatively...

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